The evening on occasion of celebration for 200th birthday of Taras Shevchenko, which was prepared by students from different faculties with support from division of humanitarian education and upbringing (head – O.S. Gorova), university library (head – L.O. Matiukhina) and department of Ukrainian Studies (head – A.B. Guliak), was held on 6, March, 2014 at the University.
“Shevchenko… Great Kobzar… Light of our people… Great genius”, – these words started the evening, devoted to 200thbirthday of Taras Grygorovych Shevchenko. The initiator and creative inspirer of the event was the student of the 4th course at medical faculty No 1 Yuriy Reznikov. His idea was supported and implemented by the core group of the University, consisting of K. Potapova (4th course, medical faculty No 1), M. Govortsova (3rd course, medical faculty No 1), T. Chernukha (3rd course, medical faculty No 1), I. Mokha (4th course, medical faculty No 1), Yu. Prymachenko (5th course, medical faculty No 1), O. Voloshyn (2nd course, medical faculty No 2), G. Zagreba (1st course, medical faculty No 3), A. Pogorila (1st course, medical faculty No 3), Yu. Shevchenko (1st course, medical faculty No 3).
The evening was started from performance of State Hymn of Ukraine by all present people and honoring the memory of “Nebesna sotnia” by minute of silence. The prorector on scientific pedagogical activity and pre-University training professor Ya.V. Tsekhmister, who congratulated the participants in the event on behalf of acting rector of University professor K.M. Amosova, made the welcome speech on behalf of University administration to the present people. The speech by assistant professor at department of Ukrainian Studies N.O. Shevel about creative life of Great Taras – romantic and realist, lyric poet and rioter contained some poetry by Shevchenko and her own poetry, devoted to him “… I have opened him for myself, embedding this understanding into the following poetical lines”:
Селянин-кріпак з відкритим серцем,
Він життя Вкраїні присвятив.
Своїм грізним словом і одвертим
Наш народ від ката боронив.
Не віддався га спокуси панства,
Не злякався смерті, ні в’язниць,
Чистий від нещирості та чванства,
Не хилився і не падав ниць.
Скільки ще напишуть гарних слів,
Та замало буде навіть цього
Для того, хто мучився й горів.
Для того, хто мучився й не каявсь,
Хто від інших радості радів,
Хто свою наблизив ранню старість,
Хто порвать кайдани заповів.
Він любив так щиро Україні,
І садки вишневі, і степи,
Де чомусь тепер лежить руїна,
А колись гуляли козаки.
У степу зустрів він Катерину,
Що Івася тисла до грудей.
Сиротою кинула дитину.
Чи нема тепер таких дітей?
А чи, може, зрадників немає,
Що тікають до чужих столів,
Що про рідну матір забувають,
Та й шукають кращих матерів?
Та не зникне України сила,
Доки є ще сильні серед нас!
Буде Україна ще щаслива –
Так хотів Великий наш Тарас!
The present people saw the theatrical performance, devoted to topic “Women in life and creativity of poet”, where the students themselves were the actors. They easily warmed their roles and rather truly presented the episodes from life of Shevchenko. After all the interesting quiz with encouraging prizes found out the experts in creative life journey of Taras.
The decoration of the evening was the song, the poetry to which was written by Taras Shevchenko, and the music was performed by participants in ICC of University (head – I.P. Terpeliuk). “The last will” by Great Kobzar was performed at the end of jubilee evening.