Department of Organization and Economy of Pharmacy


KOSYACHENKO Kostyantyn, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Head of the Department, Рrofessor


Graduated from Zaporizhia Medical Institute (1993).

Doctoral thesis «Theoretical substantiation and implementation of socio-economic principles of drug pricing», on specialty 15.00.01 Drug technology and organization of pharmacy, 2013 (scientific consultant – Doctor of Pharm. Sciences, Professor A.S. Nemchenko).

The main direction of scientific and practical work: problems of drug pricing in Ukraine, pharmacoeconomics, implementation of health technology assessment into the national health care system and pharmacy.


articles – 54

theses – 35

informative letters – 4

methodical recommendations – 18

textbooks – 3

manuals – 2

working journals – 4

monographs – 2.

Scientific profiles:


Web of Science


Індекс Google Scholar 

Certification trainings:

Association of French-Ukrainian cooperation in the field of medicine and pharmacy (ASFUDS), France, Paris. Certificate. Internship as part of the Educational Program for Doctors, organized by the Association of French-Ukrainian Cooperation in the Field of Medicine and Pharmacy (ASFUDS) with the assistance of the World Federation of Ukrainian Medical Societies. 25.06.2017-11.07.2017. 6 study credits. Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. Certificate № 739-dp dated 29.11.2017. Certification of proficiency in the state language. Bogomolets National Medical University Certificate dated 05.06.2017. Thematic improvement course «Multiple choice test tasks». 06/01/2017-06/05/2017. 1 study credit. Bogomolets National Medical University, Institute of Postgraduate Education, Educational and Scientific Center of Continuing Professional Education. Certificate № KNPK 02010787/032-24 dated 05.12.2019. Long-term qualification improvement of the NPP of higher education institutions, 21.11.2019-05.12.2019. 1 study credit. NUOZ of Ukraine named P.L. Shupyka Certificate № 214 dated November 3, 2021. PAC «Organization and Management of Pharmacy». 04.10.2021-03.11.2021. 5 study credits. NFaU, Institute for Advanced Training of Pharmacy Specialists. Certificate № PP-00612 dated June 7, 2022. Advanced training under the program «Innovative teaching methods». 01.06.2022-07.06.2022. 1 study credit.

Public activity: Advisor to the Director of the State Enterprise «State Expert Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine»; founder of the Chiste Polissya Charitable Foundation; member of the Specialized Scientific Council for the Defense of Dissertations D 26.613.04 at the P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy (15.00.01 – drug technology, pharmaceutical case organization and forensic pharmacy); member of the editorial board of a number of professional journals: «Collection of scientific works of employees of the P.L. Shupyka», «Pharmaceutical journal», «Social pharmacy in health care». Chief editor of the scientific journal «Health technology assessment (HTA)»; head of the NGO «Pharmacy Workers’ Union».

Membership in professional organizations: PO «Ukrainian Health Technology Assessment (HTA)», PO «Pharmacy Workers’ Union», NGO «Ukrainian Medical Expert Community», PO «Ukrainian Medical Logistics Association», Head of the Regional Council of the Zhytomyr Region Awards for professionalism and charity «Order of Saint Panteleimon».

Awards: Honored Pharmacy Worker (2007), Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (1999, 2004, 2008), Certificate of Honor for a significant contribution to the development of pharmacy and on the occasion of the Pharmaceutical Worker’s Day (2019), Thanks of the Honorable Council Awards for professionalism and charity «Order of Saint Panteleimon» (2021), Certificate of the Zhytomyr Regional Council «For fruitful cooperation and support in the organization of humanitarian aid to the territorial communities of Zhytomyr region, significant personal contribution to the implementation of volunteer initiatives, high civic position and on the occasion of the Day Independence of Ukraine» (2022).






HALA Liliia, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Рrofessor of the Department, Associate Professor


Graduated from Ukrainian Pharmaceutical Academy (1994).

PhD thesis «Development of basic principles and approaches to the non-prescription dispensing of medicines to the population in Ukraine», on specialty 15.00.01 – Drug technology and organization of pharmacy, 2002 (Doctor of Pharm. Sciences, Professor A.S. Nemchenko).

Doctoral thesis «Theoretical and applied approaches to the implementation of good pharmacy practice in the system of pharmaceutical care of the population in the conditions of health insurance» on specialty 15.00.01 – Drug technology, organization of pharmacy and pharmacy court, 2020 (Doctor of Pharm. Science, Professor H.L. Panfilova)

The main direction of scientific and practical work: implementation of the requirements of Good Pharmacy Practice into the system of pharmaceutical provision of the population.


articles – 44

theses – 79

informative letters – 2

methodological recommendations – 12

textbooks – 1

manuals – 4

certificates of copyright for the work – 9.

Scientific profiles:



Web of Science

Індекс Google Scholar 

Advanced training:

International Institute of Innovations «Science-Education-Development», Warsaw, Poland, Certificate № 087, 11.12.2017, training course «Pharmacy and Medicine», 01.09.2017-30.11.2017, 5 educational credits; Bogomolets National Medical University, Institute of Postgraduate Education, certificate № DNP 19373 dated 29.11.2019, long-term professional development of higher education institutions, 04.11.2019-29.11.2019, 4.5 study credits; Bogomolets National Medical University, Institute of Postgraduate Education, certificate № 223/1220 dated 11.12.2020, short-term professional development of higher education institutions, 07.12.2020-11.12.2020, 1 study credit; NUOZ of Ukraine named P.L. Shupyka, certificate № 1 dated 03.05.2021, PAC «Organization and Management of Pharmacy», 02.04.2021-03.05.2021, 5 study credits; ISMA University of Applied Sciences, Riga, Latvia, Certificate №1-22/173-22, 14.03.2022, «Theory and practice of scientific and pedagogical approaches in education», 14.02.2022-14.02.2022, 6 educational credits;

NFaU, IPKSF, certificate № PP-00627 dated 06/07/2022, «Innovative teaching methods», 06.01.2022-06.07.2022, 1 study credit.

Public activity: member of the Academic Council of Pharmaceutical Faculty of Bogomolets National Medical University, Conference of the labor team; head of the professional bureau of the Pharmaceutical Faculty; Curator of ECTS of the Pharmaceutical Faculty (part-time form of study).

Membership in professional organizations: GS «Ukrainian Medical Logistics Association».

Awards: Thanks from the Mayor of Kyiv (2006), Certificate of Honor of the Academic Council of the Bogomolets National Medical University (2015), Certificate of Honor of the Professional Union of Health Care Workers of Ukraine (2016), Certificate of Honor of the Council of the Kyiv City Trade Union of Health Care Workers (2020), Acknowledgment of the Academic Council of Bogomolets National Medical University (2021), Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (2021).





ALIEKPEROVA Nataliia, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department, Associate Professor


Graduated from National Pharmaceutical University (2003).

PhD thesis «Scientific and practical approaches to minimizing risks on the market of dietary supplements», on specialty 15.00.01 – Drug technology and organization of pharmacy, 2007 (Dr. of Pharm. Sciences, Professor Z.M. Mnushko).

The main direction of scientific and practical work: pharmaceutical management and marketing, leadership in pharmacy.


articles – 30

theses – 45

informative letters – 1

methodical recommendations – 3

textbooks – 2

manuals – 3

working journals – 2

monographs – 2.

Scientific profiles:



Web of Science 

Індекс Google Scholar

Certification training:

Seminar – TU «Multiple choice test tasks», certificate № 205, Bogomolets National medical university, Faculty of Advanced Training of Teachers of Higher Medical Institutions of the Institute of Postgraduate Education, 11.12.2017; Long-term professional development of scientific and pedagogical workers of higher educational institutions with a duration of 108 academic hours. Certificate № DNP 18085, Bogomolets National Medical University, Faculty of Advanced Training of Teachers of Higher Medical Institutions of the Institute of Postgraduate Education, 04.16.2018 – 05.04.2018; Scientific and methodical seminar «Economic and managerial training of masters of pharmacy – an urgent task of higher pharmaceutical education», 12 hours, certificate of participation, Odesa National Medical University, April 12-13, 2018. Seminar «General issues of labor protection», LLC «NCC «Energy», 01.10.2019, certificate № 00-124-19-22; Short-term professional development of pedagogical/scientific-pedagogical employees of higher educational institutions of 30 academic hours (1 ECTS credit): Practical course on using the Zoom service in distance learning of a medical higher educational institution (14.12.2020-18.12.2020) IPO of the National Technical University of the Bogomolets National medical university. Certificate № 245/1220.

Public activity: secretary of the Approbation Council of «Pharmacy».

Membership in professional organizations: PO «Ukrainian Medical Logistics Association».

Awards: academic scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for postgraduate students at the National Pharmaceutical University (2006).




DATSIUK Nataliia, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department, Associate Professor


Graduated from Bogomolets National Medical University (2008).

PhD thesis «Scientific approaches to the optimization of the system of providing narcotic analgesics to the population of Ukraine as a component of palliative care» on specialty 15.00.01 – Drug technology, organization of pharmacy and pharmacy court, 2007 (Dr. of Pharm. Sciences, Professor D.S. Volokh).

The main direction of scientific and practical work: availability of essential medicines, health technology assessment.


articles – 22

theses – 11

methodical recommendations – 3

manuals – 5.

Scientific profiles:


Web of Science 

Індекс Google Scholar 

Certification training:

Long-term professional development of scientific and pedagogical workers, 02.12.-27.12.2019, IPE of Bogomolets National Medical University. Short-term professional development courses for scientific and pedagogical workers and teachers «English for professional communication and teaching academic disciplines», 2020 09.21.2020-09.25.2020, IPE of Bogomolets National Medical University. SAFEMed’s Webinar, HTA in the World: Germany, May 28, 2020. SAFEMed’s Webinar, HTA in the World: Sweden, June 11, 2020. SAFEMed’s Webinar, HTA in the World: The Netherlands, 17 June 2020. SAFEMed’s Webinar, HTA in the World: HTA of Medical Devices, July 9, 2020.

Public activity: member of the Health technology assessment expert committee of the State Expert Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

Membership in professional organizations: PO «Ukrainian Medical Logistics Association».






DOVZHUK Viktoria, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department, Associate Professor


Graduated Kharkiv Pharmaceutical Institute (1992).

PhD thesis «Development of the composition, technology and research of ointment with nimesulide» on specialty 15.00.01 – Drug technology and organization of pharmacy, 2016 (Dr. of Pharm. Sciences, Professor D.S. Volokh).

The main direction of scientific and practical work: modern trends and priority directions of development of pharmaceutical education in the education system of Ukraine.


articles – 39

theses – 41

methodological recommendations – 9

monographs – 1

working journals – 1

patents – 3

certificates of copyright registration for the work – 1

patents – 3.

Scientific profiles:

Web of Science


Індекс Google Scholar 

Certification training:

Institute of Postgraduate Education (IPE) of Bogomolets National Medical University certificate № 112 of TU Suchasna lektsia, 3 credits, November 28, 2017; Institute of Postgraduate Education of Bogomolets National Medical University, certificate № 20513, 12/30/2020, short-term training courses for teaching/scientific-pedagogical employees of ZVO, 14.12.2020 – 18.12.2020 1 ECTS credit; NUOZ of Ukraine named P.L. Shupyka, certificate № 1 dated 03/05/2021, PAC «Organization and Management of Pharmacy», 02.04.2021-03.05.2021, 5 study credits; International online internship certificate № 02113 «University 4.0. Digital transformation» April 7-23, 2021, 2.4 credits; International online internship certificate № 00161 «Modern approaches to the training of medical personnel in the conditions of global challenges and digital transformation of medicine» 02.18-03.15. 2022, 2.4 credits; VIII International scientific-practical conference «The world of science and innovation», March 10-12. 2021, London, 0.8 credits; International Online Conference in Tallinn, Estonia, Certificate № 100 05/6/2022, «SSP Conference on the Relationship Between Doctor and Patient in a Pandemic», 04.16.2022-04.16.2022, 6 educational sessions.

Public activity: member of the Audit Commission of the trade union of Bogomolets National Medical University.

Membership in professional organizations: GS «Ukrainian Medical Logistics Association», member of the Scientific Society of Anatomists, Histologists, Embryology and Topographic Anatomists № 526.

Awards: Gratitude of the Mayor of Kyiv (2006), Certificate of Honor of the Council of the Kyiv City Trade Union of Health Care Workers (2018), Certificate of Honor of the Bogomolets National Medical University (2020).





EIBEN Hanna, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department, Associate Professor


Graduated from Bogomolets National Medical University (2006).

PhD thesis «Principles of functioning of the quality system of pharmaceutical entities» on specialty 15.00.01 – Drug technology and organization of pharmacy, 2011 (Dr. of Pharm. Sciences, Professor N.O. Vetyutneva).

The main direction of scientific and practical work: systems of ensuring the quality of medicinal products, proper practices in pharmacy, the problem of combating falsification of medicinal products in Ukraine and the world.


articles – 22

theses – 38

methodological recommendations – 6.

Scientific profiles:



Індекс Google Scholar 

Advanced training:

NMAPO named P. L. Shupyka Institute for the Advancement of Qualifications of Pharmacy Specialists of the NFU Training cycle of seminars «The role of the pharmacist pharmacist in providing modern pharmacotherapy and providing emergency medical care», 2019; Bogomolets National Medical University Long-term professional development of scientific and pedagogical workers of higher education institutions with a duration of 4.5 credits 09.09.2019-04.10.2019 Certificate № DNP 19341; NMAPO named P. L. Shupyka Institute for Advanced Training of Pharmacy Specialists Educational online seminar «Professional development of a pharmacist/pharmacist during a pandemic» 2020; Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny W Krakowie Malopolska Szkola Administracji Publicznej International postgraduate practical Internship «New and innovative teaching methods» (180 hours) 09-29.05.2020 Certificate NR 2208/MSAP/2020. The certified program of the British Council in Ukraine (British Council in Ukraine) for taking the Aptis exam to determine the level of English language proficiency of the teachers of Bogomolets National Medical University.

Membership in professional organizations: GS «Ukrainian Medical Logistics Association».





KONOVALOVA Liudmyla, Сandidate of Рedagogy, Аssociate Рrofessor of the Department, Аssociate Рrofessor


Graduated from Kyiv Institute of National Economy (1984), Bogomolets National Medical University (2016).

PhD thesis «Methodology of teaching pharmacoeconomics in the process of training future pharmacists in institutions of higher medical education» on specialty 13.00.012 – Theory and teaching methods (medical and pharmaceutical disciplines), 2019 (Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Tsekhmister Ya.V.).

The main direction of scientific and practical work: management of support for the implementation of rational pharmacotherapy and pharmaceutical care on the basis of the pharmacoeconomic approach.


articles – 20

theses – 21

information sheets – 1

textbook – 2

monographs – 1.

Scientific profiles:

Web of Science


Індекс Google Scholar 

Membership in professional organizations: PO «Ukrainian Medical Logistics Association», member of the Scientific Society of Anatomists, Histologists, Embryology and Topographic Anatomists № 527.

Awards: Certificate of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (2020), Thank you from the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (2014), Thank you from the Academic Council of the Bogomolets National Medical University (2017), Certificate of Honor of the KCSA (2012), Certificate of Honor of the Professional Union of Healthcare Workers of Ukraine (2019), Certificate of the Department of Education and Science (2012).




KOSTIUK Iryna, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department


Graduated from Bogomolets National Medical University (2014).

PhD thesis «Scientific and methodological approaches to the improvement of pharmaceutical support for children with bronchial asthma» on specialty 15.00.01 – Drug technology, organization of pharmacy and pharmacy court, 2020 (Dr. of Pharm. Sciences, Professor K.L. Kosyachenko).

The main direction of scientific and practical work: pharmacoeconomics, health technology assessment.


articles – 12

theses – 46

methodical recommendations – 2

manuals – 1

certificates of copyright registration for the work – 2.

Scientific profiles:

Web of Science


Індекс Google Scholar

Advanced training:

Online internship «University 4.0. Digital transformation», Republic of Belarus, 2021, 2.5 study credits; Bogomolets National Medical University, Institute of Postgraduate Education, 2021, short-term professional development of the NPP of higher education institutions «Practical course of using the Zoom service in distance learning of a medical higher educational institution», 1 educational credit; NUOZ of Ukraine named P.L. Shupyka, PAC «General Pharmacy», 2021, 5 study credits; Public activity: member of the Conference of the labor team of Bogomolets National Medical University, member of the Academic Council of Bogomolets National Medical University, secretary of the interfaculty competition commission, secretary of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Pharmacy, deputy responsible secretary of the Admissions Committee of Bogomolets National Medical University, Head of the Society of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Bogomolets National Medical University, curator of ECTS of the Faculty of Pharmacy (full-time education).

Membership in professional organizations: GS «Ukrainian Medical Logistics Association», NGO «International Foundation of Scientists and Educators».

Awards: Certificate of Honor of the Scientific Council of Bogomolets National Medical University (2018), Acknowledgment of the Scientific Council of Bogomolets National Medical University (2020), Scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2020-2022).






SAKHANDA Ivanna, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department, Associate Professor


Graduated Bogomolets National Medical University (2013).

PhD thesis «Improving the provision of herbal medicines to patients with cardiovascular diseases» on specialty 15.00.01 – Drug technology, organization of pharmacy and pharmacy court, 2019 (Dr. of Pharm. Sciences, Professor K.L. Kosyachenko).

The main direction of scientific and practical work: topical issues of medical technology assessment, marketing analysis, pharmacoeconomics, international marketing in pharmacy.


articles – 43

theses – 82

monographs – 3

manuals – 1

informative letters – 1

methodical recommendations – 4

certificates of copyright registration for the work – 3.

Scientific profiles:


Web of Science


Індекс Google Scholar

Advanced training:

  1. L. Shupyk National Academy of Higher Education. Certificate of advanced training № 7657 dated 12/29/2018. Specialization «Organization and management of pharmacy». 01.11.2018-29.12.2018.

Bogomolets National Medical University, Institute of Postgraduate Education, Educational and Scientific Center of Continuing Professional Education. Certificate № DNP 19237 dated April 12, 2019. Long-term professional development of NPP of higher education institutions, 03/18/2019-04/12/2019. More than 3 study credits.

Bogomolets National Medical University, Institute of Postgraduate Education, Educational and Scientific Center of Continuing Professional Education. Certificate № KNPK 02010787/031-19 dated December 5, 2019. Long-term qualification improvement of the NPP of higher education institutions, 21.11.2019-05.12.2019. 1 study credit. Maria Curie-Sklodowska University (the Republic of Poland). Certificate, 29.11.2019. Scientific and pedagogical internship on the topic «Innovative methods of organization of the educational process in the field of pedagogy and psychology in Ukraine and EU countries», 21.10.2019-29.11.2019. 6 study credits. Collegium Civitas, Warsaw, Poland. Certificate № 06/2020, 15.07.2020. International postgraduate practical internship «Internationalization of Higher Education. Organization of the educational process and innovative teaching methods in higher education institutions in Poland», 23.06.2020-15.07.2020. 4 study credits. Institute for Educational and Professional Development, Budapest, Hungary. Certificate № IIS-IEPD/03034/2021, 03/26/2021. Internship on «Methods and means of training future pharmacists: theory and practice of EU countries», 15.02.2021-26.03.2021. 6 study credits. NUOZ of Ukraine named P.L. Shupyka Certificate № 237 dated November 3, 2021. PAC «Organization and Management of Pharmacy». 04.10.2021-03.11.2021. 5 study credits. International Center for Educational Technologies (ICET), SKLAD platform, Republic of Belarus. Certificate № 00292, 15.03.2022. International online‑internship «Modern approaches to medical education in the context of global challenges and digital transformation of medical education». 02/18/2022-03/15/2022. 72 academic hours. Bogomolets National Medical University, Institute of Postgraduate Education. Certificate №17/4/2022 dated 22.03.2022. Cycle of thematic improvement «Providing emergency care during wartime: a multidisciplinary approach». 03/16/2022-03/22/2022. 1 study credit. NFaU, Institute for Advanced Training of Pharmacy Specialists. Certificate № PP-00653 dated June 7, 2022. Advanced training under the program «Innovative teaching methods». 01.06.2022-07.06.2022. 1 study credit.

Public activity: Head of the Department of International Relations of Bogomolets National Medical University, deputy responsible secretary of the Admissions Committee of Bogomolets National Medical University, senior inspector for work with foreign students of the educational and methodological department of Bogomolets National Medical University, member of the Academic Council of Bogomolets National Medical University, a member of the Society of Young Scientists and Specialists of Bogomolets National Medical University, secretary of the Council of Representatives of the Public Union «Ukrainian Federation of Professional Medical Associations».

Membership in professional organizations: NGO «Ukrainian Medical Expert Community (UMES)», NGO «Pharmaceutical Community of Ukraine «All-Ukrainian Pharmaceutical Chamber», GS «Ukrainian Medical Logistics Association», NGO «Union of Pharmacy Workers», NGO «Ukrainian Medical Club», NGO «International Academy of Education and Science», member of the Regional Council of the Zhytomyr region of Honors for professionalism and charity «Order of Saint Panteleimon».

Awards: Order «Scientist of the Year – 2019», Certificate of Honor for significant achievements and personal contribution to the development of science of Ukraine and included in the Book of Honor (2019), Thank from the Mayor of Kyiv (2021), Thank you from the Honorable Board of Honors for professionalism and mercy «Order of Saint Panteleimon» (2021), Certificate of Honor «For significant personal contribution to the development of education and science, high professionalism and active social activity» (2022).








SHOLOIKO Nataliia, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department, Associate Professor


Graduated from Nizhyn Pedagogical Institute named M.V. Gogol (1984), Kharkiv Pharmaceutical Academy (2000).

PhD thesis «Optimization of the management of tender purchases of medical and pharmaceutical products» on specialty 15.00.01 – Drug technology and organization of pharmacy, 2010 (Dr. of Pharm. Sciences, Professor Z.M. Mnushko).

The main direction of scientific and practical work: domestic and foreign regulatory policy in medicine and pharmacy, pharmacoeconomics, pedagogy, management and marketing in pharmacy, development and introduction of new medicines, history of medicine and pharmacy.


articles – 50

theses – 60

information sheets – 1

methodological recommendations – 10.

Scientific profiles:


Індекс Google Scholar

Advanced training:

Bogomolets National Medical University, Institute of Postgraduate Education, certificate № 241/1220 dated 11.02.2020, short-term professional development of higher education institutions, 07.12.2020-11.12.2020, 1 study credit. Bogomolets National Medical University, Institute of Postgraduate Education, certificate № DNP 21800 dated 22.03.2021, long-term professional development of higher education institutions, 22.02.2021-22.03.2021, 5 study credits; NUOZ of Ukraine named P.L. Shupyka, Certificate № 239 dated 03.11.2021, PAC «Organization and Management of Pharmacy», 04.10.2021-03.11.2021, 5 study credits; Postgraduate Institute for medicine «Evolutionary and epileptic encephalopathies: new approaches to treatment» Certificate № 87787131 dated 21.02.2022, 1.5 academic credits; WebVD Global «Uncovering the Future: How Will mRNA Technologies Change the Vaccination Landscape?» Certificate № 88986396 dated 05/26/2022 0.5 educational credit; MEDSCAPE «14th Annual Demystification of Hematological Malignancies: Critical Assessment of Data for 2021» Certificate № 87783454 dated 06.07.2022, 2.25 educational credits.

Membership in professional organizations: NGO «Ukrainian Medical Expert Community (UMES)», GS «Ukrainian Medical Logistics Association», NGO «Association of Doctors of the Revolution of Dignity».

Awards: Diploma of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (2014), Order of Princess Olga III degree (2015).





KAVRAISKYI Dmytro, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, assistant


Graduated from Bogomolets National Medical University (2013).

PhD thesis «Experimental study of new pyrazolo[3,4-]pyrimidin-4-one and triazole derivatives as potential anticonvulsant drugs», 2018 (Dr. of Medical Sciences, Professor S.Yu. Shrigol).

The main direction of scientific and practical work: the pharmaceutical market.


articles – 15

theses – 7

informative letters – 1

methodical recommendations – 1

patents – 1.

Scientific profiles:


Індекс Google Scholar

Advanced training: PAC «Organization and Management of Pharmacy», 2020.

Membership in professional organizations: GS «Ukrainian Medical Logistics Association».







RAFALSKA Yaroslava, assistant


Graduated from Bogomolets National Medical University (2016).

The main direction of scientific and practical work: scientific and practical approaches to the use of health care technology assessment tools in the treatment of breast cancer.


articles – 2

theses – 8

methodical recommendations – 1.

Scientific profiles:


Web of Science

Індекс Google Scholar

Advanced training:

Bogomolets National Medical University, Institute of Postgraduate Education, certificate № DNP 19240 dated 04/12/2019, long-term professional development of higher education institutions, 03/18/2019-04/12/2019, 4.5 study credits; Bogomolets National Medical University, Institute of Postgraduate Education, certificate № 138/1020 dated 30.10.2020, short-term professional development of higher education institutions, 26.10.2020-30.10.2020, 1 study credit; International online-internship «Modern approaches to medical education in the context of global challenges and digital transformation of medical education», Certificate № 00158, 18.02.2022-15.03.2022, 2.4 educational credits; NFaU, IPKSF, certificate № PP-00627 dated 06/07/2022, «Innovative teaching methods», 06.01.2022-06.07.2022, 1 study credit.

Membership in professional organizations: GS «Ukrainian Medical Logistics Association».

Awards: Certificate of Honor of the Council of the Kyiv City Trade Union of Health Care Workers (2021).







SAKHNATSKA Nataliia, assistant


Graduated from Bogomolets National Medical University (2018).

The main direction of scientific and practical work: scientific and methodical approaches to the implementation of the concept of holistic marketing in pharmacies in conditions of digitalization.


articles – 3

theses – 18.

Scientific profiles:


Web of Science

Індекс Google Scholar

Certification training:

Long-term professional development of scientific and pedagogical staff of higher education institutions «Theory and teaching methods in medical universities» with a duration of 120 academic hours (Bogomolets National Medical University, Faculty of Professional Development of Teachers of Higher Medical Institutions, Institute of Postgraduate Education, Kyiv, 2020); Short-term professional development of scientific and pedagogical workers of higher education institutions «Foreign language in the professional activity of a teacher of a medical university (English). Educational technologies» with a duration of 1 ECTS credit (Bogomolets National Medical University, Faculty of Advanced Training of Teachers of Higher Medical Institutions, Institute of Postgraduate Education, Kyiv, 2021); Short-term professional development of scientific and pedagogical workers of higher education institutions «Innovative teaching methods» with a duration of 1 ECTS credit (National Pharmaceutical University, Kharkiv, 2022).

Public activity: secretary of the Society of Young Scientists and Specialists of Bogomolets National Medical University, member of the Admissions Committee, curator of ECTS of the Faculty of Pharmacy (full-time education).

Membership in professional organizations: GS «Ukrainian Medical Logistics Association», NGO «Association of International Educational and Scientific Cooperation».






FILINIUK Olena, assistant


Graduated from National Medical University named M.I. Pirogov (1999), National Technical University (2006).

The main direction of scientific and practical work: the introduction of hospital assessment of medical technologies into the national health care system.


articles – 2

theses – 8.

Scientific profiles:


Web of Science

Google Scholar

Membership in professional organizations: GS «Ukrainian Medical Logistics Association».







YANISHYN Vadym, assistant


Graduated from Bogomolets National Medical University (2020).

The main direction of scientific and practical work: medical and pharmaceutical commodity science.

Membership in professional organizations: GS «Ukrainian Medical Logistics Association»

Public activity: responsible for material and technical support of the Admissions Committee.