Department of Pediatric Surgery

Educational and methodical work

  • Responsible person: Dr. Benzar Iryna, MD, Professor of Pediatric Surgery Department




Theme plan of practical classes, THE 5TH COURSE


Topic Extracurricular work of students Lessons hours, duration of practical classes
Practical Extracurricular
1 Lecture 1

Acute abdomen in children

Lecture 2

Polytrauma in children

Practical classes 1.

Acute abdomen in children

Acute appendicitis in children. Etiology, pathogenesis. Age peculiarities of clinical presentation. Diagnosis: Lab and imaging studies. Complications of acute appendicitis: abscess, peritonitis. Primary peritonitis, diverticulitis, mesoadenitis. Newborn peritonitis.


Laparoscopy technick, laparocentes  in children 3 h

1030 – 1300

Break 15 min

2 Lecture 3

Thoracic and abdominal trauma in children

Lecture 4

Gastrointestinal bleeding in children

Practical classes 2.

Ileus. Postoperative bowel obstruction.

Intussusception. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnostics, differential diagnosis with infectious diseases. Indications for conservative and surgical treatment, prevention of complications.

Short gut syndrome

Acute scrotum. Testicular torsion. Hydatid torsion. Acute hydrocoele. Torsion of the spermatic cord. Testicular trauma. Kidney and bladder trauma


Rare forms of intussusception in children 3 h.

1030 – 1300

Break 15 min

3 Practical classes 3.

Peculiarities of clinical presentations and differential diagnostics of gastro-intestinal haemorrhages in children with haemorrhagic gastritis, portal hypertension, gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers, stress ulcers, Meckel’s diverticulitis, intestinal polyps and polyposis (Peitz-Eggers diseases).


5,5 h

800 – 1238

Break 30 min

4 Practical classes 4.

Polytrauma in children.

Thoracic trauma. Injuries of the oesophagus.

Blunt abdominal trauma. Injuries of hollow and parenchymal organs, monitoring, conservative and surgical treatment.

Testicular trauma. Kidney and bladder trauma.



Trauma prevention in treatment. Deontology in pediatric surgery


5,5 h

800 – 1238

Break 30 min

5 Practical classes 5.

Purulent infections of soft tissues in children. Necrotic phlegmon of newborn, mastitis, omphalitis, lymphadenitis, adenophlegmon. Pararectal abscess (Paraproctitis). Etiology, pathogenesis, classification, diagnostics, treatment. Postoperative management. Acute haematogenic osteomyelitis. Ostomyelitis in newborn, atypical forms of osteomyelitis. Etiopathogenesis, clinical prtesentations, peculiarities of diagnostics, principles of treatment, prevention of complicaions. Clinical examination. BCG- osteitis.

Sepsis. SOFA. Multiple organ dysfunction

Peculiarities of pediatric oncology: structure of malformations, main clinical syndromes, algorithm of examination. Benign and malignant tumors (hepatoblastomas, Williams’ tumor, neuroblastoma, lymphosarcoma, teratomas, dermoid cysts). Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentations, treatment principles. Vascular abnormalities: vascular tumors and vascular malformations


Complications of purulent infections in children. Artroscopy.

Complications of tumors in children. Emergency care in cardiovascular and respiratory failure

5 h

800 – 1215

Break 30 min

6 Final modul control 5,5 h

800 – 1238

Break 30 min

  Total   34 11




Topic   Extracurricular work of students Lessons hours, duration of practical classes
Practical Extracurricular
1 Congenital abnormalities of the respiratory system

Ø    Congenital lung cysts, lung hypoplasia

Ø    Congenital lung emphysema

Ø    Lung aplasia, hypoplasia

Ø    Esophageal atresia

Ø    Congenital diaphragmatic hernia


Congenital deformities of thoracic wall

Pectus Excavatum

Poland’s syndrome

Pectus Carinatum

5 h

800 – 1215

Break 30 min

2 Congenital gastrointestinal abnormalities

Ø    Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis

Ø    Duodenal atresia

Ø    Jejuno-ileal atresia and stenosis

Ø    Hirshprung disease

Ø    Anorectal abnormalities



Meconium ileus

Duplications of the alimentary tract

Short bowel syndrome


5 h

800 – 1215

Break 30 min

3 Abdominal wall defects. Liver and biliary tract abnormalities

Ø    Gastroschisis, omphalocele

Ø    Biliary atresia

Ø    Hepatic and choledocheal cysts

Omphalomesenteric duct remnants

Bladder exstrophy

Cloacal exstrophy

Prune belly syndrome

5 h

800 – 1215

Break 30 min

Total 15 15