Medical and advisory work



Responsible for medical work: Associate Professor Potaychuk Volodymyr Ivanovych


List of employees of the department with indication of medical category, date and number of certificate

* for assignment (confirmation) of medical category, contact phones.



Full name


Position scientific degree, academic title work experience in a specialty (including at the department) medical category, (certificate number, expiry date) phone

(working, mobile)

1. Petrenko Vasyl



the department

Doctor of Medicine,



39 (39) Higher in Pulmonology, №1987, to 03/05/2024.

Higher in Phthisiology, №2208, to 05.03.2024

2. Protsyuk Radu


Professor Doctor of Medicine,



56 (51) Higher in Phthisiology No.2666, to  10/17/2024,

Higher in Pulmonology,

No.2665 to 10/17/2024

3. Pikas Olga


Professor Doctor of Medicine,



28 (28) Higher in Pulmonology,

1988, to 3/5/2024

Higher in Phthisiology

№209 to 03/05/2024

4. Noreyko Serhii


Professor Doctor of Medicine,

Associate Professor

33 (5) Pulmonology specialist №00524 from 11/03/2015 to 11/05/2020 430-46-20
5. Potaychuk Volodimir Ivanovich Associate Professor Associate Professor,

Candidate of Medicine

35 (35) Higher in Phthisiology

No. 5376 to 09/25/2022

6. Begoulev Oleg


Associate Professor Associate Professor,

Candidate of Medicine

18 (18) Higher in Phthisiology

No. 3379 to 12/10/2024

7. Dolinska Maria Gabrielivna Associate Professor Associate Professor,

Candidate of Medicine

19 (3) Higher on Phthisiology №4741, till 29.12.2018 430-46-20
8. Galan Irina


Assistant Without a degree 17 (16) The first in Phthisiology №6408 to 03/29/2021, doctor specialist in Pulmonology №362 430-46-20
9 Marchenko Ganna Fedorivna Assistant Without a degree 10 (8) Doctor-specialist in Phthisiology №16314 until 01/11/2023 430-46-20
10. Bondarenko Yaroslava Valerievna Assistant Without a degree 7 (5) Second on Phthisiology No. 405-ck / 15 to 10/16/2020 430-46-20
11 Stopoliansky Oleksandr Viktorovich Assistant Without a degree 15 (11) Doctor-specialist in Phthisiology №03755 to 09/29/2021 430-46-20


Clinical Base Addresses:

  1. Tuberculosis dispensary № 1 in Kyiv – Kyiv, str. Avtozavodskaya, 68
  2. Kyiv City Children’s Clinical Tuberculosis Hospital – Kyiv, str. Hamarnika, 10
  3. Kyiv City Clinical Hospital № 4 – Kyiv, str. Solomenskaya, 17



List of wards of the hospital on the basis of which the clinical base is located


Depertment name Number of beds Head of department Phone
TB Dispensary No. 1
Phthysiotherapeutic No. 1 35 Buchak Katerina Khamzyaivna  430-46-28
Phthysiotherapeutic No. 2 45 Berkov Oleksiy Volodimirovich 0666745640      430-43-97
Kyiv City Children’s Clinical Tuberculosis Hospital
Pulmonary Department 40 Drach Katerina Mykolaivna Slіpchenko Serhii Viktorovich 431-93-90
Bone and joint department 10 Kudimov Volodimir Pavlovich 431-94-91
Kyiv City Clinical Hospital № 4
Pulmonary Department 60 Popova Lyudmila Ivanivna 249-78-43


List of medical equipment and equipment belonging to the university, which is used at the clinical bases of the department


Device name, year of manufacture The department in which it is used Number of patients receiving medical treatment (per year) Carrying amount of the device (equipment)
1 Automatic biochemical analyzer PRONTO (2004) TB Dispensary

No. 1

1 737 110 000 UAH
2 Enzyme-linked immunosorbent analyzer STAT FAKS (2002) TB Dispensary

No. 1

10 20 165 UAH
3 Analyzer clinical automatic CD 90 (2017) TB Dispensary

No. 1

150 229 100 UAH
4 Spirometric Complex Spirolab 3 (2014) Kyiv City Clinical Hospital № 4 1 240 69 000 UAH
5 Spectrophotometer / Fluorimeter with cuvette module (SN: S03524) TB Dispensary

No. 1

2 348 333 UAH



Participation of employees of the department in the work of the working groups of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine or the Department of Health of the City of Kiev


Full name


Name of the working group Office name, date and order number for inclusion in the working group
1 Petrenko V.I. Dolinska M.G. Preparation of a unified clinical protocol for tuberculosis Ministry of Health of Ukraine
2 Dolinska M.G. Preparation of the Grant Application of Ukraine to the Global Fund to Fight HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria Ministry of Health of Ukraine