Scientific work

  • Responsible Officer – professor, Zhuravel Volodymyr Ivanovych, phone: +38 044-250-13-37, +38 044-250-13-47, e-mail:,
  • Scientific research work “Medical and social substantiation of organizational and functional model of primary medical care in the health care system of Ukraine” 2017-2019 (UDC 614.2 (477): 614.88 (086.48), state registration number 0117U000270). Head of Research and Development – Head of the department, professor Pariy V.D.
  • Based on a systematic-historical analysis of existing systems of activity of general practitioner-family doctor in Europe and other countries of the world, study of the development of family medicine in Ukraine and evaluation of its effectiveness during cross-section scientific research before and after the process of reforming primary care in the organizational and functional model of primary care in the health care system of Ukraine under the conditions of industry reform is substantiated in Ukraine.
  • The expected medico-social and medico-economic effectiveness of implementing the results of the Scientific Resourse involves improving the organization and management of the provision of primary care to the population in the Primary Care Centers.
  • The results of the study are used in the educational process at the department in the development of 5 curricula / work plans and programs, and can also be implemented in the management of primary health care to the population in medical institutions of all forms of ownership in Ukraine.
  • Grant activity – none
  • Publishing activities of the department. For 2019: textbooks, manuals – 2, articles – 30, abstracts – 17, approved by the Scientific Council Guidelines for implementation of the results of the GDR – 3.


The main directions of scientific and practical work:


  • In the period from 2011 to 2013, the department carried out scientific researches on the topic “Scientific bases of formation of management structure of human resources of health care: the state and strategic direction”. Responsible – associate professor of the department, candidate of medical of sciences Vezhnovets T.A.

From 2014 to 2016 the following research works were performed at the department:

  1. “Risk management in the healthcare system (on the example of staff)” Responsible – associate professor, candidate of medicine of sciences Vezhnovets T.A.
  2. “Substantiation of the model of infrastructure of health care facilities at the regional level in the conditions of sector reform” Responsible – department Chair Boris V.M.
  3. “Organizational and Functional Principles of Regional Hospital Offices in Ukraine”. Responsible – finder of department Grishchuk S.M.
  4. “A system of continuous improvement in the quality of management in a healthcare facility.” Responsible – senior lecturer Novichkova O.M.
  5. “Pharmacoeconomic Analysis and Cost Analysis. Medical Technology Assessment. ” Responsible – associate professor, candidate of medical of sciences Dumenko T.M.

During the period 2017-2019, the department carried out scientific research on the topic: “Medical and social substantiation of organizational and functional model of primary medical care in the health care system of Ukraine”. Responsible – Professor, Doctor of Medicine Zhuravel Vladymyr Ivanovich.


Number of graduate /doctoral students trained:

  1. Doctorate Degree – associate professor Tetyana Vezhnovets, 2018, defended dissertationon the topic “Social and psychological modeling of personnel management in the field of health care”.
  2. Candidate of medicine ofsciencesdegree – assistant / graduate student Oleksander Korotkiy, 2019, defended dissertationon the topic “Medical and social substantiation of organizational and functional model of activity of general practitioner-family physician in the system of providing primary medical care to urban population”.
  • Research interests of the department – health economics, personnel management, primary care, risk management, statistical methods in medicine, evidence-based medicine, pharmacoeconomics, business planning and marketing in health care, public health, E-Health , information technology in healthcare.




For the period 2012 – 2019 the Department issued:


1. Pariy V.D., Taran V.V., Zhila A.V., Kozhemiakina T.V., Matukova-Yaryha D.G., Sergienko S.B.  Healthcare economics. Workshop for independent work of students – CMC. 2018 – 56 p.

2. Pariy V.D., Taran V.V., Zhila A.V., Kozhemyakina T.V., Matukova-Yaryha D.G., Sergienko S.B. Health economics. Workshop for independent work of students (Russian – for the Ph.D.) – CMC. 2018 – 56 p.

3. Pariy V.D., Taran V.V., Zhila A.V., Kozhemiakina T.V., Matukova-Yaryha D.G., Sergienko S.B Economics of public healh. Practicum for individual work. Workshop for independent work of students (English – for AFF). CMC. – 2018. – 50 p.

4. Pariy V.V., Zhila A.V., Matukova D.G., Taran V.V. etc. The economics of poodle health (practicum for individual work). – K., 2019. – 59 p.

5. Vezhnovets T.A. and other. Human resources of the health care system in Ukraine. Situational analysis. USAID Healthcare Support Project. – Kiev. 2019 – 133 p.



  • Head of the department, professor, Pariy Valentin – honorary diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2019.
  • Professor, Doctor of Medicine, Igor Shkrobanets – Honorary diploma of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, 2007, Honorary diploma of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, 2007, Honorary diploma of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, 2009, diploma of honor of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2010.