Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Toxicology

Publishing activity







Biological and Bioorganic Chemistry : textbook : in 2 books. Book 2. Biological Chemistry / Yu.I. Gubsky, I.V. Nizhenkovska, М.М. Korda et al. ; edited by Yu.I. Gubsky, I.V. Nizhenkovska. — 2nd editionКyiv : AUS Medicine Publishing, 2021. — 544 p.

ISBN 978-617-505-785-8

This textbook contains a systematic presentation of the course of biological chemistry according

to the educational program approved for students of higher medical (pharmaceutical) educational

establishments. The core text of this book examines the structure of an enzyme, and the metabolic

pathways of the major classes of biomolecules (proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleotides, porphyrins); structural features and properties of nucleic acids, DNA and RNA; molecular biology and genetics, biochemical foundations of the physiological functions of the human body and their neurohumoral regulation are highlighted. Considerable attention is paid to the molecular mechanisms underlying the functions of blood cells, liver, kidneys, muscles, connective tissue, immune and nervous systems. The biochemical basis of the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, obesity, diseases of the endocrine, immune, nervous systems and connective tissue are considered. In addition to informational material, each chapter of the textbook contains tests and tasks for self-control.




Biological and Bioorganic Chemistry: in 2 books: Textbook. Вook 1. Bioorganic Chemistry/ B.S.Zimenkovskyi, V.А.Muzychenko, I.V.Nizhenkovska, G.О. Syrova; edited by B.S. Zimenkovskyi,  I.V. Nizhenkovska.  —  3rd edition –  Кyiv : AUS Medicina Publishing, 2020. — 288 p.

ISBN 978-617-505-666-04

The textbook contains the information about the structure, chemical properties and biological role of organic compounds which take part in human metabolic processes: low-molecular bio regulators (vitamins, hormones, other natural and synthetic biologically active compounds, including certain medications and toxic compounds) and biopolymers (carbohydrates, proteins and nucleic acids).

This textbook is recommended for students of higher medical education institutions – universities, institutes and academies.






  1. Nizhenkovska, O. Afanasenko, K. Matskevych. Pharmaceutical chemistry. Unified State Qualification Examination (USQE) 2 stage “KROK 2” Integrated test exam. Test tasks with explanations for students of the Faculty of Pharmacy (in English): study guide / I. Nizhenkovska, O. Afanasenko, K. Matskevych, — K.: IP Lopatina O.O., 2022. — 84 p.

ISBN 978-617-8247-04-1


In order to improve the quality of preparation of pharmaceutical students for the licensing integrated exam “Krok 2 Pharmacy” Integrated Test-Based” by the teachers of the Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Toxicology of the Faculty of Pharmacy in Bogomolets National Medical University created the handbook “Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Multichoice questions with explanations for Pharmacy Faculty students”. The study guide was prepared in accordance with the typical curriculum of the discipline “Pharmaceutical Chemistry” for students studying in specialty 226 “Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy”. According to the content, structure, logic and sequence of the material, the handbook is an original publication that has a practical value for better learning of the pharmaceutical chemistry discipline.

The section with multichoice test questions is systematized according to the order of the material presentation in the handbook. Variants of the presented test questions are determined by open test tasks, which were used to control the knowledge of students in the specialty “Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy” for all previous years in the licensing comprehensive exam “KROK 2. Pharmacy”. The study guide is aimed at self-monitoring of knowledge of pharmaceutical chemistry in preparation for the licensing comprehensive exam “KROK 2. Pharmacy” for full-time students pursuing higher education in the specialty “Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy”.


Nizhenkovska I.V., Kustovska A.D., Holovchenko O.I. Organic chemistry. Multiple choice questions with explanations for pharmacy faculty students. Study guide/ I.V. Nizhenkovska., A.D. Kustovska., O.I. Holovchenko, K.: FOP Lopatina O.O., 2022. – 222 p.

ISBN 978-617-7533-92-3

The textbook “Organic Chemistry. Test tasks with explanations” for pharmacy faculty students was created by teachers of the Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Toxicology of the Pharmaceutical faculty of the Bogomolets National Medical University to improve the quality of preparation of students for a comprehensive independent assessment of qualification characteristics,  the USQE-1 (which includes the discipline of “Organic chemistry”)”.

The textbook is prepared by the standard curriculum of the discipline “Organic Chemistry” for students majoring in 226 “Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy”.

According to the content, structure, logic, and sequence of presentation of the material, the textbook “Organic Chemistry. Test tasks with explanations for students of the Pharmaceutical faculty” is an original publication that has practical significance for better mastering the course of organic chemistry.

The section with test questions is systematized by the order of presentation of materials in the manual. Variants of the presented test questions were prepared based on open test tasks, which were offered for control of students’ knowledge at the USQE-1 in the specialty “Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy” for the previous 17 years.

The textbook is aimed at the self-control of knowledge in organic chemistry in preparation for the USQE-1 for full-time students and part-time students majoring in «Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy».




Nizhenkovska I.V., Narokha V.P. Biological Chemistry. Multiple choice questions with explanations for pharmacy faculty students.   Guideline.– К.: LLC Lopatina О. О., 2021. – 198 р.

The guideline “Biological Chemistry. Multiple choice questions with explanations for pharmacy faculty students” is primarily intended to solve an important and urgent task, i.e. quick and efficient preparation for a comprehensive independent assessment of qualification characteristics, the Unified State Qualification Exam (USQE stage 1) (which includes the discipline of “Biological Chemistry”), one of the effective means of the objective assessment of the knowledge, skills and abilities of future pharmacists in Ukraine. This guideline  summarizes and systematizes the most important materials of the curriculum of the “Biological Chemistry” discipline and emphasizes scientific data contained in the tests for the USQE stage 1 in this discipline for the students of specialty 226 “Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy”. This guideline   contains more than 280 tests of format A and, as an addition to the basic textbook, optimizes the preparation for practical classes, workshops, intermediate and final control tests in the discipline of “Biological Chemistry”, promotes successful studies of the discipline, develops independence and a skill of reasoning and, as a result, forms a competency-based approach in the application of knowledge in modern pharmacy.





Tsurkan O.O., Nizhenkovska I.V., Hlushachenko O.O. Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Analysis of the Medicinal Substances according to Functional Groups: study guide /O.O.Tsurkan, I.V. Nizhenkovska, O.O.  Hlushachenko. —Кyiv: AUS Maedicine Publishing, 2018. — 152 p.

 The study guide combines theoretical and methodological specific data for the quality control of pharmaceutical substances.

It is recommended for senior students of pharmaceutical faculties, interns, graduate students of higher medical education establishments – universities, institutes and academies.. The tutorial will also be useful for pharmacists, and analysts-pharmacies and control-analytical laboratories, chemical-pharmaceutical production, because  it contains data for the choice of indicators  of quality in the formation,  and pre-registration testing of analytical regulatory documents.