Department of Neurology


Responsible person:


Yuliia Leonydyvna Heletiuk

Scientific degree – a Candidate of Medical Sciences.



Kyiv, Mechnikova Str., 39/1, building 10., 8 floor





2023-2024 s.y.

Working Programs



2022-2023 s.y.



Syllabuses of the course “Neurology”
Syllabuses of the course “Neurology, including neurostomatology”

Syllabus. Internal medicine (Common Neurological Emergencies)


Working Programs:

Working Program of educational discipline “Neurology”
Working Program of educational discipline “Neurology, including neurostomatology”

Working program. Internal medicine (Common Neurological Emergencies)



Methodicals to lectures

Methodicals to the practical course Academic discipline «NEUROLOGY, INCLUDING NEUROSTOMATOLOGY»


Workbook for ISW




2021-2022 s.y.


Schedule and theme-plan of lections for IV course students of stomatological, and medical faculties


List of questions for final module control oral examination of stomatological faculty students in time of 2021-2022 study year distance education


List of questions for final control medical faculty (2021-2022)


Theme-plan of practical studies for IV course students of stomatological faculty on 2021-2022 study year


Long term plan of the neurology practical course for english-speaking students of medical faculties


Long term plan of the neurology individual work for english-speaking students of students of stomatological faculty


Long term plan of the neurology individual work for english-speaking students of medical faculties


Methodical recommendations for 4th year students of stomatological faculty


Regulations for FC for 4 th year students of the Faculty of Dentisrty during distance learning


Criteria of students theoretical knowledge and practical skills assessment during practical classes in neurology


Regulations of the final control for 4th-year students of medical faculties


Methodical recommendations for 4th-year students of medical faculty

Schedule of current and pre-module consultations in neurology for students of medical and dental faculties for the fall semester 2021-2022 academic year





SYLLABUS OF THE COURSE “Neurology including neurostomatology”





List of questions for final module control (2019-2020)

Long term plan of neurology practical course for english-speaking students of medical faculties 2019-2020 years VII semester

Schedule and theme-plan for IV course students of stomatological faculty on 2019-2020 study year spring semester on the base of clinical hospital №6

Schedule of current and pre-module consultations in neurology for students of medical and dental faculties for the spring semester 2019-2020


The question list of practical studies on neurology, self-preparation and final module control for stomatological faculty students (2019-2020)

Theme-plan of practical studies for IV course students of stomatological faculty on 2019-2020 study year spring semester




Teaching and guiding work is a priority of the department. Due to the introduction of a credit-module educational system at NMU, the department staff elaborated and implemented in the educational process the training programs, thematic plans of lectures, practicals and independent work for the students of medical and medical and psychological faculties.

To support the learning process in recent years the department staff prepared textbooks, guidelines and other training materials in Ukrainian, Russian and English.

Every year at the department are studied 1000 local students and more than 100 students from 60 countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. Neurology is studied by the 4 th year of studying students of medical faculties №1,2,3,4, department of physical rehabilitation and sports medicine and medical and psychological department. Since 2007 the part of foreign students is taught in English .

At the lectures and practices much attention is paid to the illustrative teaching. It is applied computer technologies and advanced illustrative materials. It has been prepared a large number of color slides, videos, tables, charts. At the practices it is demonstrated patients with various neurological disorders, trained the practical skills and modern methods of treatment.

Professor L.I. Sokolova is reading a lecture on practical training of students

Practical training of students. It provides the development of their practical skills for the examination of patients with neurological diseases

For the current and final module control of students’ knowledge level at the department has been prepared more than 500 situational clinical tasks and 800 tests of all discipline aspects in Ukrainian, Russian and English, the A format for the preparation to the licensing examination “Krok 2” and “Krok – 3 “.

Checking of students practical skills

The control of theoretical knowledge during computerized testing

Written resolution of situational clinical tasks

As a part of post-graduate education at the department it is carried out the on-site 9 months training of internship doctors on “Neurology”, and classes on neurology for the interns on “Family Medicine” and “Emergency medicine”.

Every year at the department it is carried out a postgraduate education for teachers of Ukrainian medical institutions of І-ІІ and ІІІ-ІV accreditation levels on “Modern technologies of higher medical education, problems and prospects of educational integration”. Over the past 3 academic years it was conducted 27 training cycles, which were visited by 51 students (37 of them – lecturers and 14 medical colleges and 14 – medical universities and academies).


Training of the internship doctors at an electrophysiological room

The internship doctors are studying the results of an ultrasonography of cerebral vessels