On 29-31, October, 2014 the university held the action “Gift a drop of blood – become a donor”, during which all non-indifferent people had the chance to join to the noble affairs – to donate blood for those ones, who need it so much.
During four days about 300 medical students and their tutors donated the blood and after its check over 230 persons became donors.
The tragic events that take place now in Ukraine do not just leave the painful track in the soul of everyone but still force to be changed for better, to show nobleness and to help neighbors.
We are proud of our youth that demonstrated the example of the real civil deed without remuneration. It is pleasant to realize that our students – this is the youth that clearly understands that the civilized, kind world should be created firstly inside ourselves and then around themselves.
The studentship of our university appeals all non-indifferent people further to join to such actions as each such initiative can save someone’s life, grant the right for happiness.

Новини Національго медичного університету НМУ

Новини Національго медичного університету НМУ

Новини Національго медичного університету НМУ

Новини Національго медичного університету НМУ

Новини Національго медичного університету НМУ

Новини Національго медичного університету НМУ

Новини Національго медичного університету НМУ

Новини Національго медичного університету НМУ

Новини Національго медичного університету НМУ

Новини Національго медичного університету НМУ

Новини Національго медичного університету НМУ