Faculty for Training of Doctors for the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Peremogy Avenue, 34, phone: 454-49-31
Deputy Dean of the Faculty for Training of Doctors for the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Assistant Professor of Endocrinology Department
34, Peremogy Ave, phone: 380 (44) 454-49-31
e-mail: Lev.Prystupiuk@nmu.ua
Curator on Implementation of the Credit Modular Study
Assistant Professor of Human Anatomy Department
34, Peremogy Ave, phone: 380 (44) 454-49-31
After proclamation of the state independence of Ukraine on 24, August, 1991 and taking the decision about establishment of national Armed Forces on 6, December, 1991, there appeared many new problems, in particular training of officers of medical service in Ukraine. In this connection, the issues about establishment of own system of military medical education in Ukraine were very urgent.
In fulfillment of s. 5 in decree by Cabinet of ministers of Ukraine, dd. 16.10.1995 No 820 “About establishment of Ukrainian military medical academy”, implementation of s. 10 in decision by collegium at MHC of Ukraine, dd. 20.11.1996 No 14 “About results from admission to higher medical schools of Ukraine in 1996”, they developed the Concept for establishment of faculty for training of doctors for the Armed Forces of Ukraine at O.O. Bogomolets National medical university, which main purpose was to provide with introduction of training of specialists under specialties of occupational direction “Medicine” and educational qualification level “specialist” since 1997 in the amount of up to 100 persons for further enrollment to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military units.
According to Provisions “About state higher school”, approved by decree from Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, dd. 05.09.1996 No 1074 and order from Ministry of health care of Ukraine, dd. 24.04.1997 No 132 O.O. Bogomolets National medical university established the faculty for training of doctors for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The study of students in the amount of 100 persons started since 1, September, 1997. The training of doctors at the faculty was based on the system of education at state higher medical schools in Ukraine under specialties “Medical care”, “Medical preventive care” with the period of study as 5 years.
The then dean of the faculty – colonel of medical service V.V. Soliaryk, deputy deans professor (at that time assistant) O.M. Naumenko, colonel of medical service (at that time major) O.I. Polezhayev and dispatcher of dean’s office Yu.S. Vakarenko were directly engaged into the first selection of students to the faculty and its deployment.
The joint order from Ministry of health care of Ukraine and Minister of defense of Ukraine, dd. 08.12.1997 No 346/450 “About target training of doctors and assistant doctors for the Armed Forces of Ukraine at higher medical schools” defined the organization of special training of doctors for the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the faculty, which is implemented in order:
- to train the specialists with educational qualification level of specialist for medical service of the armed forces and other military units, established according to legislation of Ukraine.
- To provide with overall and harmonic development of personality, formation of high moral, universal and military occupational qualities, upbringing the feeling of duty and readiness for protection of the Motherland;
- To perform the military patriotic upbringing.
The peculiarities in activity of the faculty and study of students at the faculty are:
– special requirements to university entrants at selection to the faculty (health status, level of physical training, professional psychological selection);
– peculiarities for study of students at the faculty (concept about specialization of study);
– peculiarities for distribution (employment in the system of MHC of Ukraine and possibility to enter Ukrainian military medical academy, and for graduates from the faculty – excellent students – without entrance occupational exams. ;
– methodological management of faculty dean by departments of Ukrainian military medical academy, which carry out the training of students at O.O. Bogomolets National medical university under program for training of officers of medical service in reserve.
The faculty is the only occupation-oriented educational division in Ukraine, which is established with the purpose of special training of future military doctors. The faculty is managed by rector of O.O. Bogomolets National medical university and head at Ukrainian military medical academy through his deputy, who is the dean of faculty.
Since November, 1999 until February, 2005 the faculty for training of doctors for the Armed Forces of Ukraine was headed by colonel of medical service, Honorary Health Care Worker of Ukraine O.I. Scherbak.
His deputies – Doctor of Medicine, professor O.M. Naumenko, Candidate of Medicine, assistant professor O.M. Vlasenko, dispatcher of dean’s office Yu.S. Vakarenko and inspector of dean’s office T.L. Tretyak were engaged into upbringing of future military doctors under his supervision.
The result from activity by dean’s office of the faculty for that period was the implementation of provisions in Concept about specialization of study at faculty for training of doctors for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It allowed improving the efficiency in pre-graduate training of military medical specialists for the needs of the Armed Forces and other military units of Ukraine to the brand new level.
At present moment the faculty for training of doctors for the Armed Forces of Ukraine is headed by lieutenant-colonel of medical service, Candidate of Medicine, assistant professor O.M. Vlasenko. His deputies – assistant at department of hospital therapy No 2, Candidate of Medicine V.V. Moskalenko, assistant professor at department of normal anatomy, Candidate of Medicine M.A. Bezshtanko – dispatcher of dean’s office Yu.S. Vakarenko and inspector of dean’s office T.L. Nakonechna are engaged into upbringing of future military doctors under his supervision.
The selection of candidates for study is carried out on a competitive basis according to the rules for admission to the faculty for training of doctors for the Armed Forces of Ukraine at O.O. Bogomolets National medical university.
The competition while entering to the faculty for training of doctors for the Armed Forces of Ukraine at O.O. Bogomolets National medical university is in average from 1.3 to 2.5 among men and from 2.1 to 3.4 among women.
The order about enrollment of students, who are admitted to pass through training to the post of doctors for the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military units, established according to existing legislation, is signed by rector in O.O. Bogomolets National medical university and head in Ukrainian military medical academy.
The students of the faculty are expelled from educational establishment for academic failure, unwillingness to study due to health status (according to the conclusion from medical consulting commission), as well as through impossibility to perform the study due to valid reasons.
The persons, who are enrolled to the faculty, are kept on position of civil students. During the whole period of study they are provided with textbooks and literature, accommodation and stipendium according to existing legislation. The training of students is held due to curricula and programs, which anticipate the specialization in teaching some disciplines in the 2nd – 6th courses, through enlargement in volume of teaching the disciplines of military medical direction and introduction of military specific elements into other disciplines. This allows raising the efficiency in pre-graduate training of military medical specialists to the brand new level.
The students of the faculty pass through study at 80 departments of university. The educational process is carried out by 63 academicians, corresponding members in NAS, AMS, APS, 55 laureates of state and other prizes, 37 honorary scientists and technicians, 193 professors, 182 Doctor of Medicines, 275 assistant professors, 632 Candidates of Medicine.
Since 2005/2006 academic year the students of the 1st course of the faculty started the classes due to credit modular system for organization of educational process according to the requirements of Bologna process.
At the faculty there are 397 students, among them under specialty “medical care” – 280 students, “dentistry” – 5 students, “pharmacy” – 12 students.
26% from students of the faculty are the members in scientific society of students, who take part in scientific work of departments at university. The best students of the faculty receive the personal scholarships (from President of Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Scientific council of university) for high achievements in study.
The students of the faculty take an active part in public mass work, sport life of the faculty and university. 12.9% of students of the faculty take part in amateur-talent groups of university, and 22.6% of students – in sports mass work.
The result from such activity of the faculty was the participation in the VII International Mediterranean youth festival in c. Antalya (2004) by students Abramenko Artem (6th course), Krykun Yuriy (4th course), Pchelintsev Makar (5th course), Khomenko Tetiana (5th course), Bakay Ivan (4th course). The pride of the faculty is a member in national team of Ukraine in kettle bell lifting, Master of Sports, world champion in kettle bell lifting student of the 5th course Ray Olga.
Within military patriotic upbringing of students at the faculty, inoculating the feeling of national pride to them, the management of the faculty constantly involves them into events of military patriotic direction, which are held at O.O. Bogomolets National medical university.
For practical acquaintance of students at the faculty with the conditions and specificity of military occupational activity at treatment and preventive establishments, the students of the faculty pass through all kinds of industrial practice (care of patients – at the 2nd course, nursing practice – at the 3rd course, therapeutic practice – at the 4th and 5th courses) at medical preventive establishments of Ministry of defense of Ukraine, State frontier service of Ukraine, Ministry of internal affairs of Ukraine and Security service of Ukraine that enables acquiring the necessary practical skills by future military doctors.
Non-resident students at the faculty for training of doctors for the Armed Forces of Ukraine for accommodation during study are settled to hostel No 3 of university.
Five graduations were made at the faculty for training of doctors for the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the whole period of its activity. The first graduation of 5 doctors-dentists took place in 2002. In 2003 88 students finished their study, among them under specialty “Medical care” – 81 graduates, “Medical preventive care” – 3 graduates, “Dentistry” – 4 graduates. In 2004 84 students finished the study, among them under specialty “Medical care” – 78 graduates, “Medical preventive care” – 3 graduates, “Dentistry” – 3 graduates. In 2005 78 students finished the study, among them under specialty “Medical care” – 78 graduates, “Medical preventive care” – 5 graduates, “Dentistry” – 4 graduates. In 2006 85 students finished the study, among them under specialty “Medical care” – 78 graduates, “Medical preventive care” – 4 graduates, “Dentistry” – 3 graduates.
After finishing the study at the faculty and receiving the diploma the graduates of the faculty by 100% receive the distribution and job placement in the system of Ministry of health care of Ukraine.
The graduates from the faculty, who desired to pass through military service on the posts of officers’ composition of medical service for the Armed Forces of Ukraine can enter Ukrainian military medical academy. Taking into consideration the reforming and reducing the armed forces the special weight of attendants, enrolled to study at Ukrainian military medical academy from a number of graduates from the faculty, is up to 30%.
The faculty for training of doctors for the Armed Forces of Ukraine carried out its activity in order to strengthen the defensive capacity of Ukraine, trains the reliable reserve of competent occupationally trained, devoted to the people of Ukraine, medical staff.