Department of Propaedeutics Of Internal Medicine № 1
Netiazhenko Vasyl Zakharovych
Head of Department Propedeutics of Internal Medicine № 1 Corresponding Member of NAMS of Ukraine, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor 1965 – graduated with honors from the Medical Faculty of Uzhgorod State University. Since 1969 he studied in clinical residency and postgraduate studies at the Clinic of Cardiovascular Surgery, Kiev Research Institute of Tuberculosis and Thoracic Surgery. 1974 – 1978 he worked as a senior researcher of this clinic Since 1979 V. Netiazhenko’s pedagogical path begins – initially as an assistant, and since 1980 – assistant professor of the Department of Hospital Therapy № 1 of the Kyiv Bogomolets Medical Institute. In 1989 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the theme “Features of pathogenesis, diagnostics, treatment and prevention of unstable forms of acute large focal myocardial infarction”. Since 1988 Netiazhenko V. has headed the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine №1 of the Kyiv Bogomolets Medical Institute Since 1990 to 2015 – Dean of the Faculty of Medicine №2 of Bogomolets National Medical University The main directions of scientific and practical work Urgent cardiology, gender peculiarities of development, course and treatment in patients with various forms of coronary heart disease, changes in the hemostasis system and hemostasis control of pathogenetic treatment of arterial and venous thrombosis, features of anticoagulant therapy in concomitant comorbid therapy 8 doctors and 29 candidates of medical sciences were trained under the leadership of V.Z. Netiazhenko. Implementation to clinical practice Hemostasis control of the system of plasma and platelet hemostasis in the use of antithrombotic treatment in patients with acute, chronic coronary syndrome and pulmonary artery thromboembolism, evaluation of the system of hemostasis in women and pregnant women with high risk of thromboembolism, monitoring of blood pressure and heart rate variability, stress tests in the diagnosis of ischemic heart disease, electrical diagnostics instability of myocardium and fatal arrhythmias, prognostic models of the course of various forms of coronary heart disease. Cardiologist and therapist of the highest qualification category Publications Author of more than 750 scientific works, including 25 monographs, inventions, studying programs, textbooks, guidelines for physicians, interns and students. Public activity He is the founder and president of the Ukrainian Association of Internal Medicine Doctors since 1995, for a long time he was the Сhief therapist of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, he is the chairman of the Specialized Scientific Council D 26.003.08 in the specialty “Cardiology, internal diseases, general practice of family medicine”, chairman of the approbation board “General Issues of Internal Diseases” Bogomolets for the protection of PhD and doctoral dissertations and a member of the specialized academic council in the specialty “Cardiology, Rheumatology” of the State Institution ” Institute of Cardiology named after M.D. Strazhesko”, member of the Academic Council of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Membership in professional associations President of the Association of Internal Medicine Doctors of Ukraine, Full member of the European Cardiology Society, Member of the Executive Committee of the International Society of Internal Medicine, Board member of the Association of Cardiologists of Ukraine, Member of the Ukrainian Society of Therapists
Awards and honors In 2001 he were awarded the honorary title of the Honored Worker of Science 2017 – medal of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate for “Sacrifice and Love for Ukraine” He was awarded certificates of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Honorary Certificates of the Kyiv City State Administration, awarded the Acknowledgments of the Minister of Health of Ukraine. |
Malchevska Tetyana
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Graduated from Ternopil Medical Institute in 1981. From 1990 to 1992 she studied in clinical residency at the Department of Hospital Therapy of Ternopil Medical Institute In 1996 she defended her PhD thesis on “Changes in fibrinolysis and blood glycoprotein indices in patients with acute myocardial infarction and unstable angina”. Since 2004 – associate professor of Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine № 1 of Bogomolets National Medical University In 2008 she defended her doctoral dissertation on “Clinical and pathogenetic characteristics, diagnostics and treatment of various forms of coronary heart disease in combination with comorbidities”. The main directions of scientific and practical work Changes in the system of hemostasis in patients with various forms of coronary heart disease, hemostatic control over the pathogenetic treatment of arterial and venous thrombosis, especially the use of anticoagulant therapy in concomitant comorbid conditions. Consultant doctoral thesis on platelet-plasma hemostasis in various forms of ischemic disease in women with different cardiovascular risk. Therapist of the highest qualification category. Carries out consultative work in the cardiology department, the intensive care unit of the Kyiv Railway Clinical Hospital №. 2, the hospital “MedBud”. Implementation in clinical practice Control of the system of plasma-platelet hemostasis with the use of antithrombotic treatment in patients with acute coronary syndrome and pulmonary embolism. Publications Author of more than 160 scientific works, co-author of 5 monographs, 12 inventions, 22 publications in foreign editions. Public activity
Membership in professional associations Since 1995 – member of the Association of Internal Medicine Doctors of Ukraine Award Certificate from the Ministry of Health. |
Shkala Liubov Volodymyrivna
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. In 1978 she graduated with honors from the Voroshilovgrad Medical Institute. From 1979 to 1990 worked as a district, factory therapist, head of the department In 1990 she defended her Ph.D. dissertation on the topic: “Experience of preventive treatment of peptic ulcer in workers producing alkaline batteries (in the conditions of factory sanatorium-preventorium)”. From 1990 to 2014 she worked at Lugansk State University: Assistant Professor (1990 – 2001), Assistant Professor (2002), Professor (2003-2004), Head of the Department of Internal Medicine with Endocrinology (2004-2010), Professor (2010-2014). In 2002 she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Changes of mineral blood balance and immune disorders in gastroduodenal diseases under the influence of environmentally unfavorable factors and the way of their correction” In 2003 – received a degree of doctor of medical sciences. In 2004 she was awarded the academic title of professor. Since September 2014 she has been a professor at the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Medicine № 1
The main directions of scientific and practical work: Scientific adviser of two PhD dissertations (Sonina O.V., Manishchenko Y.A.). The main focus of research is the rehabilitation of patients with comorbid pathology, the development and implementation of new methods of diagnosis and treatment of diabetes and thyroid gland in the practical health care.
Implementation in clinical practice Prof. Shkala L.V. has the highest qualification category in two clinical specialties: therapy and endocrinology. Conducts clinical work: detours, debriefings, clinical conferences, consultations in the endocrinological departments of the Kyiv Railway Clinical Hospital №2 and in the Kyiv City Center for Radiation Protection of the Population. She has repeatedly presented at scientific and practical conferences with reports on problems of primary and secondary prevention of endocrine diseases, and conducted workshops on algorithms for providing emergency care for diabetic insects
Publications Author of 337 scientific works, including 4 monographs, 14 patents for inventions, 149 articles and abstracts, 6 educational manuals approved by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 10 innovative proposals Public activity: Member of a Specialized Council D 26.003.08. at the Bogomolets National Medical University Member of the of Approbation Board “General Issues of Internal Diseases” at the Bogomolets National Medical University Membership in professional associations Member of the Association of Internal Medicine Doctors of Ukraine Member of the Ukrainian Association of Endocrinologists and Diabetologists. Awards Honorary diploma of Ministry of Health of Ukraine “For significant personal contribution to the development of health care and high professionalism” Honorary diploma of Academic Council of Bogomolets National Medical University “For significant personal contribution to the development of the University”.
Plenova Olga Mykolayivna
PhD, Associate Professor In 1994 graduated with honors from Bogomolets State Medical University. Listed in the Golden Book of Honor of the University. 1994-1996 – study in internship and magister’s degree at the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine № 1 of the Bogomolets National Medical University. 1996-1999 – postgraduate study at the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine № 1 of the Bogomolets National Medical University 2001 – defended PhD work «Changes of platelet hemostasis activity in arterial and venous blood of myocardial infarction patients under the antithrombotic treatment» From 1998 to 2003 – assistant of the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine № 1, since 2003 – Associate Professor of the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine № 1. In 2007 was awarded the scientific title of Associate Professor. The main directions of scientific and practical work: Scientific interests: diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension, coronary artery disease, pathogenesis and diagnostics of thrombotic and embolic complications of cardiovascular diseases, practical hemostasiology, resistance to antiplatelet drugs and control of antithrombotic treatment. Cardiologist of the highest qualification category Introduction to clinical practice: Methods for the diagnosis of platelet and plasma hemostasis disorders, evaluation of the effectiveness of antithrombotic drugs in patients with arterial hypertension, coronary artery disease were introduced at the clinical bases of the Department of Bogomolets National Medical University. Publications: author and co-author of 130 scientific works, including monography, 4 patents of inventions. Public activity: – responsible for the educational and methodical work in the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine № 1 NMU – member of the Methodological commission on therapeutic disciplines of NMU – member of the Approbational board “Common problems of internal medicine” of NMU – member of Scientific and Methodological Commission on Public Health of the Higher Education Sector of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Membership in professional associations: Member of the Association of Internal Medicine of Ukraine Member of the Cardiology Association of Ukraine Awards: Acknowledgment of the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine for significant achievements in professional activity and diligent work
Gorach Natalia Vasylivna
Ph.D. in Medicine, Associate Professor In 2001 graduated with honors from Medical Faculty of Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy. 2001–2002 – training in internship and magistracy at the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Diseases of Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy. 2002–2007 – postgraduate study at the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Diseases of Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy. 2007 – defended Ph.D. thesis «Peculiarities and treatment of essential hypertension in perimenopausal women» and received scientific degree of PhD in specialty «cardiology». 2007–2012 – assistant at the Department of Propaedeutics of internal diseases Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy, 2012–2014 – assistant at the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Medicine № 1 of the Bogomolets National Medical University 2014 – Associate Professor at the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Medicine № 1 of the Bogomolets National Medical University. In 2019 received the scientific title of Associate Professor. The main directions of scientific and practical work: Scientific interests are related to the methods of diagnosis and treatment of the cardiovascular system diseases in combination with comorbid conditions. Carries out consultative work in the cardiology department of the Kyiv City Center for Radiation Protection of the Population from the Consequences of the Chornobyl Disaster. Has a higher qualification category in the specialty «therapy». Introduction to clinical practice: Methods of diagnostics and complex treatment of women with arterial hypertension and neurovegetative disorders in the period of perimenopause, study of disorders of quality of life in patients with hypertension. Actively introduces new approaches of the cardiovascular system diseases treatment in accordance with existing international standards. Publications: Author of 52 scientific works, among them 1 in journals indexed in Scopus, 2 patents of Ukraine. Hirsch Index –1. Co-author of 17 sample and work educational programs of the department’s disciplines. Public activity: Since 2012 to the present is responsible Associate Professor for the English-speaking education at the department of Propaedeutics of Internal Medicine № 1. English Level –B2 (APTIS). Membership in professional associations: Member of the Association of Internal Medicine Doctors of Ukraine. |
Liakhotska Ada Volodymyrivna
As. prof., PhD In 2012 graduated with honors from Bogomolets National Medical University. Listed in the Golden Book of Honor of the University. 2012-2014 – study in internship and master’s degree at the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine # 1 of the Bogomolets National Medical University 2014-2017 – postgraduate study at the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine # 1 of the Bogomolets National Medical University 2019 defended PhD work «Optimization of diagnosis, treatment and prediction of the course of hypertension against the background of coronary heart disease taking into account sensitivity to antiplatelet therapy». Since 2015 assistant of the department, holds a certificate from the British Council (Ukraine) British Counsil Aptis and teaches English-speaking students. The main directions of scientific and practical work Scientific interests: diagnosis and treatment of hypertension, coronary artery disease, research of platelet and plasma hemostasis, resistance to antiplatelet drugs, genetic trials in the clinic of cardiovascular diseases in combination with comorbid conditions. Сardiologist and therapeutist – category II. Introduction to clinical practice Methods for the diagnosis of platelet hemostasis disorders, evaluation of the effectiveness of antithrombotic drugs in patients with hypertension and concomitant coronary artery disease were introduced at the clinical bases of the Department of Bogomolets Medical University, therapeutic departments of Zaporizhzhya State Medical University and Zaporizhzhya Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, medical institutions of Kyiv and Kyiv region, Zhytomyr, Mykolaiv, Cherkasy, Zaporizhzhya, Khmelnitsky. Publications Author and co-author of 48 scientific works. Public activity – responsible for the scientific work of the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine № 1 NMU – responsible for the students club of the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine № 1, NMU Membership in professional associations Member of the Association of Internal Medicine Doctors of Ukraine Awards Acknowledgment of the Mayor of Kiev, Order of Saint Equal Apostle Prince Vladimir the Great 1st degree, Medal of Bogomolets O.O, the order “The Power of Mercy”. |
Kozmyk Tamara Viktorivna
PhD, assistant
In 1988 she graduated from Bogomolets National Medical University (at that time Kiev Medical Institute). From 1988 to 1996 she worked as a doctor at the Cardiology Department of the Road Clinical Hospital № 2. Since 1996 he has been working as an assistant at the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Medicine № 1 of Bogomolets National Medical University. In 2006 she defended dissertation on the topic: “Peculiarities for clinical course, structural functional parameters of the heart and plasma hemostasis at hypertensive disease in liquidators of consequences from Chornobyl catastrophe (based on remote long-term observation)” The main directions of scientific and practical work: pathogenesis and diagnostics news and newest approaches to treatment of patients with arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, heart failure, arrhythmias, measures to prevent the development of athero-thrombotic complications, control over treatment with antiplatelet drugs. Implementation in clinical practice: introduction of new methods of diagnostics of hemodynamic disorders in patients with hypertension, coronary heart disease, heart failure and treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and other diseases at the therapeutic department of Kyiv Clinical Hospital №. 3 on railway transport. Cardiologist of the highest qualification category. Publications: author of 25 publications, including 1 patent, methodical development and test tasks and tasks for second and third year students according to the department’s profile. Social activities: The secretary of the department, she is responsible for the educational work at the department. Membership in professional associations Member of the Association of Internal Medicine Doctors of Ukraine Member of the Association of Cardiologists of Ukraine
Bazhenova Nataliia Mykhaylivna
Assistant, PhD In 2006 graduated with honors from Bogomolets National Medical University. 2006-2008 – study in internship and master’s degree at the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine № 1 of the Bogomolets National Medical University 2008-2015 – study in clinical residency at the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine № 1 of the Bogomolets National Medical University 2015-2018 – postgraduate study at the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine № 1 of the Bogomolets National Medical University She is working on the completion of dissertation for the degree of PhD on the topic: “The state of platelet-plasma hemostasis in patients with essential hypertension combined with obesity and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease” Since 2018 she is assistant of the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine № 1. She teaches English-speaking students. The main directions of scientific and practical work: Scientific interests: diagnosis and treatment of hypertension, coronary artery disease, research of platelet and plasma hemostasis in the clinic of cardiovascular diseases in combination with comorbid conditions. Family doctor of the highest qualification category, cardiologist. Implementation in clinical practice: Methods for the diagnosis of platelet and plasma hemostasis disorders, evaluation of the effectiveness of antithrombotic drugs in patients with hypertension and concomitant non-alcoholic fatty liver disease were introduced at the clinical bases of Bogomolets National Medical University, medical institutions of Kyiv and Kyiv region. Publications: Author and co-author of 14 scientific works. Membership in professional associations Member of the Association of Internal Medicine Doctors of Ukraine |
In 2011 graduated from Bogomolets National Medical University. 2011-2013 – study in internship at I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University. 2013-2015 – study in clinical residency at the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine № 1 of the Bogomolets National Medical University 2015-2018 – postgraduate study at the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine № 1 of the Bogomolets National Medical University. She is working on the completion of dissertation for the degree of PhD on the topic: “Features of platelet-plasma hemostasis in patients with hypertension with concomitant hyperuricemia”. Since 2018 she is assistant of the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine № 1.
The main directions of scientific and practical work Research interests: diagnosis and treatment of hypertensive heart disease with comorbid pathology, coronary heart disease, platelet and plasma hemostasis studies. Responsible for the Laboratory of Functional Research Methods Department. Cardiologist and therapist – I qualification category.
Implementation in clinical practice Methods for early diagnosis of thrombophilic and coagulation changes in hemostasis in patients with hypertension in combination with hyperuricemia were introduced at clinical bases of Bogomolets Medical University, medical institutions of Kyiv and Kyiv region.
Publications Author and co-author of 15 scientific works and 1 invention.
Membership in professional associations Member of the Association of Internal Medicine Doctors of Ukraine
Tkachyshyn Oleksandr Volodymyrovych
Assistant, PhD In 2013 graduated with honors from Bogomolets National Medical University. 2013-2015 – study in internship and master’s degree at the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine №1 of the Bogomolets National Medical University 2015 – GP (family doctor) at Polyclinic №3 Kyiv Podil district 2015-2018 – postgraduate study at the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine № 1 of the Bogomolets National Medical University PhD candidate; the theme of work is «Features of the course of arterial hypertension, complicated with hemorrhagic stroke, and changes in the hemostasis system during the treatment». Since 2019 assistant of the department, holds a certificate from the Business Teaching Center (Ukraine) and teaches English-speaking students. The main directions of scientific and practical work Scientific interests: diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension in patients with ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes. General practice, family medicine – specialization. Introduction to clinical practice Data about the importance of identification of peculiarities of the indices of 24-ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, ultrasound examination of heart and major cervical arteries in hypertensive patients after a hemorrhagic stroke were introduced at the clinical bases of the departments of Bogomolets National Medical University, Zaporizhzhya State Medical University and Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, medical institutions of Kyiv, Kharkiv, Poltava. Publications Author and co-author of 20 scientific works. Public activity Membership in professional associations Awards Acknowledgment of the Mayor of Kyiv. |
Башинська Богдана Сергіївна
Асистент кафедри У 2013 р. закінчила Вінницький національний медичний університет ім. М.І. Пирогова за спеціальністю «лікувальна справа». Із 2013 р. по 2015 р. навчалася в інтернатурі за спеціальністю «внутрішні хвороби» на базі кафедри внутрішньої медицини №3 Вінницького національного медичного університету ім. М.І. Пирогова. Із 2015 по 2018 рр. працювала лікарем відділення невідкладної медичної допомоги Бершадської ОЛІЛ. У 2018 р. спеціалізація з кардіології на базі Національної медичної академії післядипломної освіти ім. П.Л. Шупика. У 2019 р. працювала лікарем-терапевтом у ТОВ «МЕД – ГРУП». Із червня 2019 р. по січень 2021 р. працювала молодшим науковим співробітником відділу дисліпідемій ДУ ННЦ «Інституту кардіології імені академіка М.Д. Стражеска» НАМН України. Із 2021 р. асистент кафедри пропедевтики внутрішньої медицини №1. Лікар-терапевт ІІ категорії, лікар – кардіолог.
Starodub Tetіana Yevhenivna
Senior Laboratory Assistant of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Medicine №1. Graduated from Bogomolets National Medical University in 2021. Program subject area – General medicine. Internship, specialisation – Internal medicine since 2021. Scientific interests: gastroenterology, hepatology, ultrasound diagnostics. Membership in professional associations: member of “Association of internists of Ukraine”.
Yermashkevich Yevvheniiya Dmitrievna
Senior Laboratory Assistant of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Medicine №1. Graduated from Bogomolets National Medical University in 2021. Program subject area – General medicine. Internship, specialisation – Internal medicine since 2021. Scientific interests: internal medicine, cardiology, clinical trials. Membership in professional associations: Member of “Association of internists of Ukraine”.
Vlasenko Yelyzaveta
Senior Laboratory Assistant of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Medicine №1.
Graduated from Bogomolets National Medical University in 2021. Program subject area – General medicine.
Internship, specialisation – Internal medicine since 2021.Scientific interests: therapy, cardiology, ultrasound diagnostics.
Membership in professional associations: member of “Association of internists of Ukraine”.
Gavrilyuk Oleksandr Petrovych
In 2010 graduated with honors from Bogomolets National Medical University. 2010 -2012 he studied at the internship in the specialty “Therapy” at the Department of Propaedeutic of Internal Medicine No. 1 of the Bogomolets National Medical University.
2012-2014 – study in clinical residency in the specialty “Therapy” at the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine № 1 of the Bogomolets National Medical University
2014-2017 – postgraduate study at the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine № 1 of the Bogomolets National Medical University. PhD work: «Features of structural and functional changes of myocardium, blood lipid spectrum and cognitive function in patients with hypertension with concomitant obesity»
Since 2012 assistant of the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine № 1.
Therapist – I qualification category
Publications Co-author of 3 scientific works
Membership in professional associations Member of the Association of Internal Medicine Doctors of Ukraine |
Kozachyshyn Nataliia Ivanivna Postgraduate student In 2017 graduated from Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University 2017-2019 – study in internship of the Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, specializing in Internal Medicine Since 2019 – postgraduate student at the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine № 1 of the Bogomolets National Medical University Since 2020 assistant of the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine № 1. The main directions of scientific and practical work: Scientific interests: diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic coronary syndrome in combination with comorbid conditions, study of platelet hemostasis. Therapeutist
Publications: Co-author of 2 scientific works. Membership in professional associations Member of the Association of Internal Medicine Doctors of Ukraine |