Department of Hygiene and Ecology
Public and educational activity
Public and educational activities of the department of hygiene and ecology of O.O. Bogomolets National Medical University.
- Educational activity at University level:
- Speeches at Scientific Council of NMU ( prof . V . G . Bardov );
- participation in « Days of open doors » of O . O . Bogomolets National Medical University for graduates of schools and medical colleges who are going to enroll at the NMU ( prof . V . G . Bardov ).
- Educational activity at the Faculty level
- Speeches at Scientific Council of medical faculty # 4 ( prof . V . G . Bardov, prof . M. Pelo, , asst . prof . Ye . M . Anisimov , asst . prof . N.M. Merezkina );
- Educational activities at the department’s level :
- in areas of public , art, moral, ecological education, formation of healthy lifestyle, etc.
- Scientific and practical conferences:
- International ;
- Ukrainian with international participation ;
- NMU-organized with international participation;
- Devoted to the « Health Day »;
- Departmental ;
- Annual departmental students’ scientific conferences of medical faculties on the results of SERW.