On June 25, 2014 in the conference hall of Physical and Chemical Campus, the last meeting of the Academic Council of the University in the 2013/2014 academic year chaired by the Rector of the University, the Corresponding Member of NAMS of Ukraine, Professor K.M. Amosova was held The meeting was attended by members of the Academic Council, all heads of departments and teachers responsible for teaching and methodical work.
The agenda included considering as the first issue the results of the State Attestation of 2014 in the National Medical University of the O.O. Bohomolets National Medical University (speakers: heads of state examination boards: Professor L.A Stadniuk, Professor O.A. Buryanov, Professor O.M. Okhotnikova, Professor M.M. Korshun, Professor O.V. Pavlenko, Professor N.O. Vetiutneva). After having heard and discussed the report of the Heads of State Examination Boards the Academic Council stated that the training of physicians (pharmacists) at the university is carried out according to the requirements of the field standards of higher education, legal documents on improving training for health care. State Attestation of graduates was held in two stages: the standardized test control and practically-oriented state exam that is conducted in the form of state graduation exams and a comprehensive state examination (Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine no. 53 of 31.01.2005 with  Amendments on the system of evaluation of results of the practically-oriented state examination according to the order of the O.O. Bohomolets National Medical University of no. 134 of 16.03.2012). On the Faculty of Medicine no. 2 the graduates passed comprehensive state examination in the following subjects: “Internal, Professional and Infectious Diseases”and “Surgical Diseases of Pediatric Surgery “at the dental faculty of the disciplines: “Therapeutic Dentistry”,” Pediatric Dentistry “,” Prosthetic dentistry “and “Surgery”.
The Scientific Council noted that the state final examinations in all the faculties were held in accordance with the approved schedule, in clear and organized way. Educational Department, deans and departments conducted the preparatory work on further improvement of the form and content of state examinations, improvement of ensuring the necessary material and technical means for testing practical skills, updates of the programs and examination materials for the state graduation exams, which students were timely aware of. In the pre-examination period all the students had the possibility to get the necessary theoretical and practical advice on the Departments. The members of the examination boards proved their integrity, rigor and objectivity in assessing theoretical and practical training of graduates with applied new Instruction on evaluating student learning activities according to the letter of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine №01.01-47 / 10395 of 15.4.2014 p.
The results of the state final examinations in 2014 showed that the overwhelming majority of graduates sufficiently mastered the theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities in accordance with the requirements of Educational Qualification Characteristics and Practical Training Assessment.
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