
The regular meeting for medical council of DMC at O.O. Bogomolets NMU was held on 11, April, 2018 in the premise of conference hall at Dental Medical Center (DMC), at which the pro-rector in scientific pedagogical, treatment activity and postgraduate education, professor Naumenko O.M. was present. In addition to urgent issues about provision of pedagogical process with hand-outs and tools, the central issues in agenda was the issue about implementation of international clinical protocols for pediatric therapeutic dentistry (according to the Order from MHC of Ukraine No 1422, dd. 29.12.2016 and order from O.O. Bogomolets NMU No 43, dd. 30.01.2018 “About implementation of medical standards (unified clinical protocols) for medical aid on the base of Dental Medical Center at O.O. Bogomolets NMU”) into daily medical practice of doctor-dentist at DMC. The pro-rector in preamble of his speech mentioned the necessity in implementation of modern medical standards in the form of American and European international clinical protocols, translated into Ukrainian, taking into consideration the clinical experience of national scientific schools for many years, as this is the important task that is dictated by modern regulatory legal base of MHC of Ukraine and time challenges. The head at department of pediatric therapeutic dentistry and prevention of dental diseases, professor Savychuk O.V., professor Khomenko L.O., responsible person for treatment work assistant professor Shmatko V.I., director in DMC professor Kopchak A.V. also made the reports and comments. After discussion all present people with decision of medical council of DMC unilaterally approved the suggested clinical protocols.

Medical and Consulting Department

Medical Council of DMC